madeleine flynn and tim humphrey

IMAG0271cumulus nimbus

cumulus nimbus

Live electroacoustic, piano, flugelhorn and trumpet score for FOG Theatre production of cumulus nimbus
Directed by David Wells, at Theatreworks for the Melbourne Fringe Festival, September 2011

cumulus nimbus

Date: 21 Sep 2011 – 23 Sep 2011

InĀ cumulus nimbus, FOG Theatre presented a series of short works that incorporate dance, humour and physically driven scenarios. Over the last year the forefront of our artistic inquiry has been building ensemble relationships in performance, developing individual style, working with improvisation and theatrical dynamics.

Abstract as well as literal cumulus nimbus has emerged from group devised work. Rather than a long piece of work with a more narrative structure such as FOG Theatre’s previous works ‘Hang on a Minute’ and ‘Forest of Gongs’ this production presents a series of shorter pieces.

cumulus nimbus is a glimpse into who and what FOG Theatre is; a community of improvisers, eclectic performers and passionate people.

This project is part of the Access Arts Projects and Partnerships at the City of Port Phillip. Access Arts and Projects and Partnerships at the City of Port Phillip encourages arts participation opportunities for people with a diverse experience, including people with disabilities.

Devised and performed by FOG Theatre

Directed by: David Wells
Designer: Dayna Morrissey
Lighting Design: Suze Smith
Music composed and performed by Tim Humphrey and Madeleine Flynn
Stage Manager: Rachal Van Wyk
Arts Workers: Marjetka McMahon, Katie Lockett and Gemma Falk
Producer: Nilgun Guven
Photographer: Paul Dunn
Graphic Design: Matthew Harrod