A major new project in development with designer Jenny Hector, produced by Bureau of Works.
To premiere end 2022.
Dark/Quiet is a new sound light temporary architectural installation that arises from a set of principles and prototypes for new sound/light installations. This work arises from our desire to minimise impact and re-frame what is exciting for an audience in the present zeitgeist. We are acutely conscious of the impact of our work on the environment, reflected in both the macro- (climate) and micro- (specific location) scales. Hence, we draw on the fundamentals of light and sound and the principles of light and sound pollution as a way to redefine our design parameters: across the way we see and hear, and how our practice itself impacts on a site.
The impact of human-generated sound and light, and the resulting tension for the artists in developing our artistic ideas makes the consideration of our footprint central to the artistic process, leading to new solutions that are exciting for an audience. It requires a new deliberation and recalibration of how we employ our mediums to create the heightened appreciation for place that we desire.
Research and development partners:
Australian Dark Sky Alliance
Science Gallery Melbourne
Finding our Voice
The Quarry Projects
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, Creative Victoria, and the Besen Foundation. We are very grateful for this support.